FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
Last updated 9/10/21
The following FAQs pertain to the new Natural Resources Headquarters building. (To search the FAQs on this page, use your web-browser search function, typically Control + F, depending on your operating system.)
New Natural Resources Headquarters Building
- Building Location – What is the official address of the new Natural Resources Headquarters building?
Answer: 715 P Street, Sacramento, CA 95814 - Building Cost– How much does the building cost and how much does it cost to move the people into the new facility?
Answer: Design-Builder cost for the building is $520 million. The projected relocation/move cost will be determined by a competitive bid process. For additional information regarding construction, click here: P Street Modern Office Building Project (ca.gov) - Guest and Visitor Access– How will guest and visitor access be handled in the new building?
Answer: Guests and visitors will check-in with the Concierge staff who will assist with obtaining a badge that will provide access through the turnstiles to the elevators. Once cleared, guests and visitors will enter a reception area upon exiting the elevator lobby on each floor. - Staff Floor Access– How will staff access floors they don’t work on, i.e., to meet with colleagues, use a conference room, or use the terraces?
Answer: Generally, staff will have access to all of the building floors and terraces through use of their assigned building badge. Some floor areas have a more secure access requirement—employees that do not have clearance to regularly access those areas must make arrangements to get into the area. Access to all parts of the building are dictated by access programmed into the employee’s badge. - Fire/Exit Stairs Access– Can exit stairs be used to go up and down the stairwell for exercise?
Answer: Yes. - Building Security– With the first floor and part of the second floor being open to the public, how will building security be handled?
- Answer: There will be a central security station as well as a Concierge on the ground floor and badge access will be required to enter turnstiles, utilize elevators, to enter floor areas, and use control systems. Access to the first and second floors will be monitored by security officers.
- Outdoor Security– How will security be handled outside the building? What will keep non-employees from congregating or occupying the building and the exterior part of the property?
Answer: There will be central security station on the ground floor. Badge access is required to enter turnstiles, utilize elevators, and access floor areas. - New Elevator System– What is the new elevator system and how does it work with security? How many elevators are there? Do the freight elevators go to the top?
Answer: There are 16 passenger elevators and three freight elevators. Access to the elevator system is based on an employee’s keycard (badge). Freight elevators go all the way to the top.
- Building Occupants– Who will be moving into the new building?
Answer: The tenants of the new building will include:
– California Natural Resources Agency
– Department of Water Resources
– California Energy Commission
– Department of Conservation
– Department of Parks and Recreation
– Department of Fish and Wildlife
– Wildlife Conservation Board
– Fish and Game Commission
– California Water Commission
– Delta Stewardship Council
– Office of Energy Infrastructure Safety - Moving – When will we be moving and when will we be getting more detailed information on the move?
Answer: The complete relocation effort is scheduled to take place over a 17-week period. The moves will be done in phases over the 17-week period, starting July 9, 2021 and running through November 15, 2021. The detail move schedule has been given to each departments Facility Management. The detailed move schedule was finalized and provided to all facility managers for each organization. - Equipment Moving – What things will be moved to the new building?
Answer: Defined items such as: paper-based files, records, and documents; workstations technology equipment; identified special program area equipment and fixtures. The move team will move one or two containers per defined employees/individuals. Generally, the following items will not be moved: printers, copiers, desk phones, plants, plastic floor mats for chairs, most chairs (other than those required for reasonable accommodation) refrigerators, microwaves, fans, heaters, toasters, coffee makers, furniture, vehicles, trash or recycle receptacles, and anything that won’t fit into two packing bins of 3 cubic feet. - Workspace Storage – How will individual storage be handled in a shared work environment?
Answer: In the new shared office environment, day-of storage for individual personal items will be provided at the desk. There will be storage cabinets that can be locked for personal use. We do not encourage storing personal belongings in the storage cabinets overnight. - Building Re-Configuration and Design – How have floor assignments and building occupancy changed for each organization compared to the original plans?
Answer: With the new movement to employing a long-term, sustainable remote/teleworking work environment, while optimizing office lease space usage, there have been some revisions to floor assignment and space allocations. This visual provides the departmental breakdown for each floor. Specific floor assignments will be communicated from the departments’ senior management.
- Floorplan Changes – When are we able to make changes to the floor plan?
Answer: All physical changes i.e. removing cubicles, adding phone booths etc. must remain on pause until all departments have moved into the building. We do not anticipate any allowance for physical changes until early 2022 so that we can prevent any delays or setbacks on our move-in schedule. Each physical change to floorplan has the potential to impact or possibly violate various building occupancy codes. Future floorplan changes will still need to clear the appropriate building codes. - DWR Joint Operations Center (JOC) – Will the JOC and the JOC Annex be moving into the building?
Answer: DWR JOC and JOC Annex sites have a separate plan for relocation to a new facility. - Building Operations – Who will manage and maintain the new building?
Answer: The Department of General Services, Facilities Management Division, will maintain and manage the building. - Old Natural Resources Building – What will happen to the old Resources Building?
Answer: The building is slated to be completely refurbished starting in January 2022. DGS has not stated who will be the new tenants.
- Receptionists Location – Will there be a receptionist on each floor?
Answer: A reception area has been provided on all floors with a reception desk and work area. The staffing of this area is determined by the department(s) on the floor. - Break Areas – Will break areas be provided in the building?
Answer: Break areas are located on each floor and are equipped with refrigerators, sinks, disposals, coffee makers, and drinking water dispensers (hot/cold). - Wellness Rooms – Will there be nap rooms, as there are in the main building, when you need to lay down or are not feeling well?
Answer: Wellness rooms are included in the project. - Lactation Rooms – What is included in the lactation rooms? Are they locked? Can they be reserved?
Answer: Lactation rooms will have card readers, be lockable, and will be equipped with a small refrigerator, sink, lounge chair, and side table. Reservation policies will be established for their use. A room reservation system will be part of the building features. - Quiet Rooms – What is included in the quiet rooms and special use rooms on the office floors?
Answer: Phone rooms, wellness rooms, and lactation rooms will be available on the floors. Phone rooms or phone pods will include chairs and a table. Wellness rooms will include a lounge chair and table. Lactation rooms will include a small refrigerator, sink, lounge chair, and side table. - Potential Noise Issues – Won’t the open areas be very noisy?
Answer: LEED Platinum buildings such as the New Natural Resources Headquarters building are all required to meet strict building code requirements for noise reduction in all areas of the building. - Library Location – Where will the legal libraries be situated in the building?
Answer: All the legal libraries will be consolidated into one main legal library as a shared amenity on the 11th floor. - Ergonomic – How will ergonomic needs be addressed at the desk in the new work environment?
Answer: The equipment provided at the desks have been chosen to provide the flexibility to accommodate different ergonomic needs. Chairs are adjustable and desks are sit-stands. As always, if you have a specific need for a reasonable accommodation, it will be reviewed appropriately. (Photo is of a standard workspace, for illustrative purposes.) - Desk Sharing – What is CNRA’s definition of desk-sharing? Will everyone be required to share a desk?
Answer: Desk sharing is where employees share a grouping of desks instead of each employee being assigned a permanent desk. Instead of coming to work and walking to the same desk every day, employees are empowered to choose the workspace that they prefer for the day, sometimes this can be the same desk. Desk sharing is designed to offer flexibility and balance employee and business needs, while promoting a more engaging workplace culture. The desk sharing arrangement is dependent on your departments specific teleworking and workspace assignments. Each department will implement space management to best meet their needs. - Resources for Desk Sharing – What kind of resources are there to help us prepare for the shared space model?
Answer: We expect that management/supervisors will be working with staff to address individual questions and any departmental expectations for conduct as we transition to this flexible working model. - Building Occupancy Growth – How will we accommodate headcount growth in the new headquarters/What if an agency needs more space in the future?
Answer: Under the original occupancy strategy of assigning everyone a desk, we were already at 95% occupancy and had very limited capacity to accommodate future growth. By changing our occupancy strategy, it will support our projected growth for 5 years and beyond. - Non-remote work assignments – If we are predominately in the office, are we expected to have to reserve a spot or do we get an assigned workstation?
Answer: This will be based on your department or organization policy and based on the duty statement detailing the nature of the work assignment. There will be an online reservation system to reserve space if you need to do so. - No workspace available – What if I can’t find a place to work when I come to the office?
Answer: Taking into consideration all the available spaces, in addition to individual workspaces within the building, there will always be enough seats to accommodate everyone. While we don’t expect that will be the normal, we do want to encourage people to come to the office as needed. - COVID-19 – What if it is still not safe to return to the office, due to the pandemic, once move-in begins in July 2021?
Answer: Terms of occupancy will continue to meet any directives issued by the Governor’s Office to comply with restrictions applicable to COVID-19. Additionally, there will be limits on occupancy while we are still dealing with emergency conditions pertaining to COVID, however when we shift into a return to work after the pandemic those conditions will adjust as will occupancy numbers. - COVID 19 – What criteria will drive return to the new building beyond the current 25% max capacity COVID requirements?
Answer: Return to work will be managed in accordance with State, Federal, and County guidelines. - COVID-19 – Will the new workspace provide adequate separation between people?
Answer: Masks will be worn in areas where you are close to other workers. The size of the cubicles allows for compliance with social distancing measures. - COVID-19 – How will reasonable accommodations due to a medical condition(s) be honored for separate office space?
Answer: This will be addressed on a case-by-case basis with the HR team in each department. - Indoor Plants – Can we keep our indoor plants?
Answer: Not initially, though that may change. Prior to move in, there will be instructions to inform employees on what items can be relocated to the new building. - Bathrooms – How many bathrooms are on each floor? How many stalls in each bathroom? Are there gender-neutral bathrooms?
Answer: There will be bathrooms on all floors:- Floor 1 – 2 Gender Neutral (single stalls); 1 Female (5 stalls); 1 Male (5 stalls)
- Floor 2- 1 Female (5 stalls); 1 Male (5 stalls)
- Floors 3-8 per floor – 2 Female (8 stalls each); 2 Male (7 stalls each)
- Floor 9 -20 per floor – 1 Female (5 stalls); 1 Male (5 stalls)
- Pantry and Coffee Station Locations – What lunch and coffee areas are on each floor? What is included in the pantries?
Answer: All floors will have 1 pantry and 1 coffee station. The pantries are equipped with 2 refrigerators, 1 sink, 1 coffee maker, and 2 microwaves. Coffee stations are equipped with 1 refrigerator, 1 sink, and a coffee maker. - Mailroom – How will mail be handled in the new building?
Answer: There is a single large mailroom on the 2nd floor that will operate on a “federated” basis, meaning all organizations can utilize it for mail receiving and distribution. - Supply Rooms – How will supplies be handled in the new building?
Answer: Each organization will designate an area to accommodate their supply distribution process. - Drinking Water – Will the drinking water be filtered?
Answer: Drinking fountains will have a filtered water dispenser for bottled water. - Building Temperature – How will the temperature be handled in the new building?
Answer: There are temperature sensors throughout the building and the HVAC systems are automated and computer-controlled. DGS FMD will manage and control building temperature. The building HVAC was designed to account for the heat gain on south and west exposures, along with the potential heat loss on areas with a north exposure. - ATM Availability – Will there be an ATM Machine?
Answer: Yes. - Bird Strike Prevention – With such a large amount of glass on the exterior of the building, what is being done to prevent bird-strikes?
Answer: Installation of glass with ceramic frit pattern on the upper floors will help with glare and prevent bird-strikes; canopies on lower levels will provide additional protection for birds. - Other Notable Building Amenities – What tenant amenities will be provided in the building?
Answer: The building will include a host of amenities such as:- Expansive lobby with electronic art wall feature
- Indoor bicycle and scooter storage for 200+ bikes.
- Childcare facility run by a non-profit organization located north of the light rail station (accommodating 120 children)
- Audio- and visual-outfitted conference and training rooms on the 2nd floor available to all organizations/program areas
- Fitness Center with exercise equipment
- Landscaped plaza with seating and bicycle parking spots
- Informal indoor and outdoor gathering locations
- Exterior terraces accessible to all
- State-of-the-art auditorium accommodating 300 people
- State-of-the-art wireless and network capabilities and enhanced cellular coverage throughout the building (no dead spots)
- Child Care Center Plans – Will childcare be part of the project, and if so, when will it be available?
Answer: A separate 120-child daycare facility adjacent to building will be available. A Request For Proposal (RFP) to run the child daycare facility was issued on August 1, 2021, and submissions were due October 1, 2021. The RFP’s are currently being reviewed. It is projected the facility will open mid-2022. For detailed information, feel free to contact the Communications Director of the non-profit organization, Lydia Smith at sactreetopkids@gmail.com, or the Vice President Jennifer Ikemoto at ikemoto@wildlife.ca.gov. - Fitness Center Plans – Who will run the fitness center?
Answer: A final decision is pending on who will operate and run the fitness center. - Fitness Center Access and Fees – How will access to the fitness room be determined? Will staff have to pay to use the fitness room?
Answer: Natural Resources Agency affiliated organizations’ employees will be eligible to use the fitness center. There will be a membership fee for the fitness center, fee amount still to be determined, with the goal of keeping costs as low as possible. - Hours of Operation – What are the hours of the fitness center?
Answer: Once the fitness center is opened, the projected fitness center operational hours are Monday – Friday, 5:00 a.m. – 7 p.m. - Fitness Center Equipment – What equipment will be available in the fitness center?
Answer: Different types of equipment such as stair climbers, spin and stationary bikes, treadmills, and various weight and pully machines will be part of the center. - Fitness Center Amenities – How big is the fitness center? How many lockers and showers are there?
Answer: The fitness center is approximately 6,400 square feet with 2 locker rooms. Each locker room has 160 lockers and 7 showers. There will also be a designated single-use locker room with a shower and lockers. - Fitness Center Classes – Will there be classes?
Answer: The fitness center may include a classroom or studio that could be used for spin training, yoga, and other classes. The operational details are still being determined and the determination of who will run the fitness center is being evaluated. - Type of Food and Retail – What type of eating and retail options are planned for the new building?
Answer: The food options will be restaurant-type food vendors that are commercial in nature. A convenience store is also planned. However, due to the pandemic, the food court options have been delayed until after the opening of the building. November 2021 is the target opening of those that will be operated under DOR-BEP Management and April 2022 for those that will be privately managed. We encourage you to check back periodically for additional updates. - Food and Retail Vendor Selection – How will the food and retail vendors be selected?
Answer: The process for food vendor selection is done by the DGS in partnership with the California Natural Resource Agency. The process for retail vendor selection is done by DGS. - Food Vendor Seating Capacity – What is the seating capacity for indoor and outdoor seating?
Answer: There are approximately 350 seats, indoors and outdoors. - Technology Infrastructure in Training Rooms – Since the technology infrastructure in the shared training rooms and auditorium need to be compatible with the IT and Communications infrastructure of the Departments; and vice versa, will the IT programs of the Departments be compatible with the infrastructure of the facilities?
Answer: Yes - New Technology Planned – What technology will be used in the new office in the next year, and what will be used two, three, and five years from now?
Answer: The building will incorporate a variety of technologies such as high-speed wireless, high-speed network, advanced printer services, unified communication platform, voltage access controls and intrusion alerts, electronic wayfinding, photocells integrated lighting controls, distributed antenna system for cellular, digital controls and ultra violet filtration for HVAC systems, and a large multi-media wall display. The building is designed to incorporate future technologies as they are deemed necessary.UV filtration system to sterilize airflow
- Printing, Scanning, Copying, and Faxing– Where will our employees print, scan, copy, and fax? Will there be a printing office for reproduction needs and where will the services be located? How about confidential materials being printed?
Answer: Each floor will be equipped with several high-end multi-function devices (MFDs) in various locations that have printing, copying, scanning, and faxing capabilities. The defined departments high-end reproduction operations center will be located outside of the P Street building. All printing output will be control by secure printout methods. - Audio-Video Capabilities– Will each agency be responsible for providing their audio-visual setup?
Answer: Agency is working with DGS to have a dedicated audio/video technical group services and support the auditorium. The building’s conference and training rooms are equipped and pre-configured with audio/video capabilities and training will be provided on how to utilize these capabilities. - IT Support and IT Staff Locations – Where will the IT groups be moving? How will IT support be provided for the building?
Answer: The majority of the departments’ IT staff will be relocated to the Warren-Alquist Building, 1516 Ninth Street Sacramento, near by the new Natural Resources Headquarters building (715 P Street). IT services and support will continue to be provided in basically the same manner it is today. - Phone System for New Building – Will we have a new phone system? How will cellular phone coverage be in the new building?
Answer: Yes, a new unified communication Voice Over IP (VOIP) phone system will be deployed in the building. The new system will have many modern features. New office phones and numbers will be setup prior to employees move date and ready to utilize day-one. Additionally, the building has been outfitted with a cellular distributed antenna system (DAS) that will provide excellent cellular phone coverage in the building (no dead spots). - Desktop Technology in New Building – Will we have laptops or desktops? Will we have one monitor or more? Will we have ergonomic keyboards?
Answer: The type of computer equipment and number of monitors will be determined by each individual department/organization. Each workstation area has an ergonomic “sit-stand” desk. - Number of Private Offices – If I have a private office now, will I have a private office in the new building?
Answer: The individual departments’ senior-management is responsible for the designation of assigned private offices. The building was designed for more open spacing and has fewer private offices than current buildings and new parameters will be utilized in the assignment of private offices. - Cubicle Size – Why are the working spaces smaller than the cubicles many agencies currently occupy?
Answer: The cubicle spaces were designed to current State specification. Many buildings that other agencies occupy were created before these specifications were developed. - Existing Modular Furniture and Equipment – Will agencies move their existing modular systems furniture, private office furniture, desk phones, copiers, faxes, and printers?
Answer: No, existing furniture will not be moved. The new building is pre-configured with new office furniture. Departments will not be relocating existing office phone or printer/copy devices, as those items will be replaced with new devices as part of the agency-wide managed services. - Type of Desks in the New Building – Will employees have traditional desks?
Answer: All workstations have been designed and implemented with new modern features including ”sit-stand” adjustable work surfaces, and a combination interconnected work surfaces, drawers and shelves. See picture included under “Ergonomics.” - Height of Cubicle Walls – The walls seem low. With everyone having the capability of having sit/stand working areas and considering COVID, does it make sense to have shorter walls?
Answer: The cubicle height and overall physical configuration meet the Center for Disease Control (CDC) office guidelines. The cubicle height removes the barriers to natural light infiltration and will help enhance open communication among office personnel. The wall height and placement of the cubicle will provide visual privacy. - Cubicle Configuration – Will all our cubicles be in an open space? Will there be any cubicles by the windows?
Answer: The majority of the cubicles will be in open space in order to allow perimeter light to filter into the building. There will be some cubicles situated near the perimeter walls of the building. - Proximity of Staff and Ambient Noise – What is being done to mitigate the proximity of staff in terms of office noise?
Answer: The building is equipped with a sound masking system that helps to reduce the impression of intruding sound (reducing annoyance, distraction) and improves acoustical and personal speech privacy. - Electric Devices – What kind of electrical devices can we bring and use in the new building? Coffee pot? Refrigerator? Heater? Microwave? Bike charger?
Answer: The only personal electrical devices that will allowed are those related to medical accommodations. With rare exception, because the building is a LEED-Certified energy efficient building, the only electrical devices allowed are those that can be powered by a USB connection, such as a small fan or light. Coffee pots, refrigerators, and microwaves are provided in the designed areas. Bike changing capabilities are provided in the indoor bike storage area. - Outside Meeting Areas and Gatherings – Are there outside areas for formal or informal meetings?
Answer: Yes. There are outside terraces located on some of the floors and ground-level exterior areas that can be used for these purposes. Specifically, there are terraces on the 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, and 20th floors. Terraces are outfitted with tables and chairs, and they are accessible to all employees via elevator or stairs through a side hallway that minimizes disruption. - Auditorium – What is the process for the public to access the auditorium, indoor food vendors, etc.
Answer: Access to the auditorium, food vendors, restrooms, retail shops, and other amenities have been designed for easy public access. There are two public entrances with one located on P Street and the other on O Street. There will be a concierge station to assist in wayfinding. - Meeting Space for Employees not Assigned to the New Headquarters – Will my department be able to use meeting spaces, hold workshops and/or occasionally work in the building even though we will not technically be housed there?
Answer: Yes. With the transition to telework and “hoteling,” the goal is for the entire CNRA family to benefit from the building’s state of the art functionality and open working spaces. With this in mind, in addition to the designated conference rooms and terraces, there are plans to create areas that can be used as “drop-in” offices using unused retail space. Logistics will be vetted further in the coming months as tenants transition into the building and specific needs are identified.
- Transportation Subsidies – Will the State continue to offset the cost of public transportation and/or provide incentives to those who commute to the office via bicycle?
- Answer: Yes. There will be no change to the current process. For detailed information, click here: https://www.calhr.ca.gov/employees/Pages/Commute-Program.aspx#:~:text=Employees%20who%20purchase%20public%20transit,dollars%20(%2465)%20per%20month
- Light Rail Station– Will the light rail stop remain the same?
Answer: Yes - Bike Storage Capacity– How many bike parking spaces are planned? Is bike parking indoors or outdoors? How is it secured?
Answer: There are 200+ bike spaces with storage racks located inside the building on the south side of the 1st floor. Access is controlled via the employees’ keycard. There are open bike parking spots at multiple locations outside the building on the north plaza and the perimeter of the property. - Bike Storage Sign Up Process and Fees– Will you have to sign up for bike parking? Are there fees associated with usage of the bike storage area?
Answer: Access to the indoor bike storage area will be provided to any employee that requests it. There will be a process to submit a request and have the secure access added to the employee’s badge. Once the process has been finalized, it will be made available to employees. Initially, there will be no charge for the usage of the indoor bicycle storage area, however, fees may need to be assessed in the future. - Charging for Electric Bicycles– Will there be power supply for charging electric bikes?
Answer: Yes, there will be limited capability to charge electric bikes. Due to the limited capacity, users should charge their bikes before arriving at work to minimize the need for using the charging at the building. - Showers and Lockers for Bike Riders– Are there showers available for bike riders?
Answer: Bike facilities will have 2 locker rooms with 12 lockers and 6 showers each for employees. This is in addition to the showers and lockers in the fitness center. - Vehicle and Motorcycle Parking– Where will staff park vehicles and motorcycles?
Answer: The new facility does not have staff parking capacity. Staff will park in a combination of public, private, and State-controlled parking facilities and utilize street parking. There will be some motorcycle spots on the street near the southeast corner of the property. You can find more information at the Office of Fleet and Asset Management (OFAM) Parking Administration Unit (PAU) website. - State Parking Garage Spaces – How can we sign up for parking/how does the parking lottery work?
Answer: You can find information at the Office of Fleet and Asset Management (OFAM) Parking Administration Unit (PAU) Online Parking Lottery System website - Electric Vehicle Charging– Where can electric vehicles be charged near the new building?
Answer: You can find electrical vehicle changing locations at City of Sacramento EV charging locations or look at the DGS website for electric charging.
Improving How We Work
- Teleworking – Where can I find best practices and tips for teleworking?
Answer: The California Government Operations Agency (GovOps) compiled an online resource to help state departments make telework as successful as possible. Visit the California State Telework Guide Website: https://www.telework.govops.ca.gov - Teleworking – What plans are in place to ensure remote workers have equitable opportunities in career and development opportunities.
Answer: CNRA will work with Human Resources, departments and organizations on how best to address this subject. Given this new working environment, we invite all employees who have ideas on how best to do this to send their suggestions to thrive@resources.ca.gov - Teleworking – Will there be any financial assistance to support creating productive workspaces at home?
Answer: This is subject to bargaining between the various bargaining units and the State. That said, it is anticipated that the answer will come from the State telework policy being formulated by CAL HR. - Teleworking – Is remote working encouraged or required?
Answer: Remote working is encouraged by departments to reach the Governor’s goal for a long-term, sustainable, and flexible work environment. Any concerns/barriers an employee might have should be brought to the attention of their supervisor, or HR as appropriate.