Healthier U Connections

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The Healthier U Connections wellness platform is now available to all state employees! This innovative, online wellness service brings a world of wellness resources to your computer, tablet or smartphone. All state employees are invited to register for Healthier U Connections at using their work email address. Registration instructions are listed below.

Key features include:

  • Virtual kitchen that includes healthy recipes and cooking videos.
  • Propel fitness library that includes exercise videos.
  • Device integration that connects directly to popular activity tracking devices like Apple Watch, Fitbit and Garmin.
  • Manually track over 100 fitness, wellness, and nutrition activities!
  • Create an unlimited number of competitions individually or with your co-workers.
  • Propel is built in the latest responsive design, meaning you can access the entire platform on all your devices
  • Watch this short video to learn about key features of this wellness platform.

To register:

Register at using your work e-mail address.

Registration Code: Please contact your department wellness coordinator for the registration code

**You will need to register even if you already had an account in Healthier U Connections prior to 2021.

Note: Healthier U Connections is a voluntary, confidential wellness program for state active employees, and only aggregate data is provided to departments.